The uncertainty surrounding Brexit is causing many businesses to reassess how they are doing things and a flexible professional might be just what’s needed to ‘save the day’.

If budgets are a concern, a flexible worker can swoop in with an injection of expertise for a short term at a minimal cost to the business. They are an untapped pool of talent who may not be affordable on a full-time 9-5 basis who can flex with demand helping to better manage the bottom line.

The Travelodge is one major business which has been proactive in their approach to preparing for the effects of an uncertain pre-Brexit deal and a potential post-Brexit Britain, focussing their recruitment efforts on the untapped potential in parents that want to return to work. A survey of 451 unemployed parents, Travelodge commissioned in partnership with YouGov, found 86% would like to return to work and 59% reported the scarcity of jobs with flexibility around the school run was the biggest challenge to finding work.

Besides the immediate budget benefits, there are longer term advantages for companies recruiting flexibly:

Staff retention – A flexible approach creates a working culture of commitment and improved morale, reducing turnover of valued and experienced staff.

Reduced absenteeism – Limiting the stresses of commuting and inflexible office hours affecting employee health can decrease absenteeism.

Increased productivity – Empowering staff to work the hours they are most efficient results in better productivity as they are achieving more in less time.

Attracting the best – Offering flexible options appeals to a pool of highly skilled professionals that will only consider businesses who meet their lifestyle needs.

Reduced risk – Matching flexible talent with the growth of the business helps to better manage the bottom line.

Extension of cover – Greater working hours flexibility creates an ability to extend the working day or week and flex resources in response to busier periods

Gender parity – Offering flexible hours widens the pool of potential employees to include those who traditionally struggle with fixed hours such as working mothers.

Dedicated to flexible recruiting, best practice in flexible working, events and training, at Flex Matters we help local businesses reap the rewards of a flexible workforce and professionals secure a role that achieves the work/life balance they need.

If you’re a professional looking for a flexible career role or a company looking to recruit flexibly, get in touch. Contact Emma and the team on 0781 0541 599 or 01273 842 288 or email: [email protected].

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