Flex Matters and The Mind Body Coach Simon Rogers Collaborate on How to Thrive in the Face of Overwhelm and Get Back Out There Post-Pandemic
A new Gatwick Diamond Business (GDB) collaboration – Flex Matters invited new GDB member Simon Rogers, The Mind Body Coach, to support candidates with a new mindset seminar on ‘How to thrive in the face of overwhelm and get back out there post-pandemic’.
When Flex Matters’ Director, Emma Cleary, met Simon at his first GDB members’ meeting, she was struck by how the two business shared the same mission, to support people, in an effort to build self-confidence to move forward.
Everyday we have so much going on in our lives that at times we can feel overwhelmed. There’s so much ‘noise’, as we juggle a million things at once – our job, home life, catching up with friends, caring for children or elderly parents. This can be distracting to say the least, and often impacts our self-belief and confidence, which can make us feel a bit ‘stuck’. In the course of the seminar Simon explains that it’s just when things are changing, like right now with uncertainty about Covid, that we have an opportunity to explore, get curious and learn new things.
“Mindset is important.” comments Simon. “Our mindset is our state of being or the lens behind our actions and our behaviours, it’s the way we look at our life. It’s important to become aware of our mindset. Our emotions can colour our mindset and this can be a blind spot for many of us which we’re sometimes not aware of.”
The uncertainty now, is calling for us to grow in our emotional agility, and make our mindset work for us, to accept our emotions and to work with them, rather than against them.
Being aware of what we’re feeling and experiencing is really helpful, so we can choose how to respond, which can give us focus, and awareness of our choices, and help us trust ourselves to do what’s right for us, and only we can know that. In breakout rooms we explored something we really want to do but aren’t yet. What we noticed was that, no matter the goal, we all felt the same way, and that by sharing our experiences in a safe community, we realised we’re not alone.
We learnt that all emotions are important, and not simply ‘positive’ or ‘negative’. Watching a snippet of the brilliant film, Inside Out, illustrated how joy and sadness are very much inter-connected, that both are important and have value.
Simon urged us to “get curious and respond to our emotions rather than react to them, because there’s often much more beneath the surface, and more choice, that we realise”. He added, “to move forward from a place of feeling stuck, we need to face everything in our own reality, to be able to realise that choice and act on it”.
Emma made a point which I think resonates with many, that it’s easy to get so wrapped up in what we’re doing, that we fail to listen to how we’re feeling, end up exhausted and not achieving what we want.
“Part of our mission at Flex Matters is to help individuals to re-set where they are going, to move on towards personal goals and if that’s finding a job, then to help you do that too!”
Attendee Linda Buckle went on to book a one-to-one session with Simon and commented: “Simon provides a positive and focused approach. He is emphatic whilst remaining clear in his advice. Would highly recommend him and believe there is real value to his work.”
We are grateful to Simon for giving us an insight into how looking beyond our emotions, recognising them and using our awareness to focus and make choices, we can move forward to an exciting new future. Simon is available for private consultations – do email him to find out more.
The community we create at Flex Matters is here for you – do join our online sessions to boost your confidence, help you create a winning CV or join our coffee and catch-up in-person events, so we can meet you and introduce you to others in your shoes.
Don’t forget to Register Your CV if you haven’t done so already, and feel free to contact Emma on 07810 541 599 or [email protected] to chat about your career aspirations.