Flex Matters in collaboration with Brighton based companies Propellernet and Brandwatch/Baby to Boardroom came together to create a set of best practice guidelines in March of this year. It turned out to be so successful that we repeated the process in Crawley and at Flexpo toward the end of the year

Propellernet and Brandwatch are both businesses that understand the benefits of flexible working and have already developed a policy that is good for their employees, their bottom line and promotes a healthy, happy culture. See the blueprint for flexible working success.

Companies involved in the first best practice discussion group:

Flex Matters, Propellernet, Baby to Boardroom, 1st Central, Man Bites Dog, Wave Leisure, Futrili, Brighton & Hove Chamber of Commerce, Platinum Publishing, B&CE, Kreston Reeve, Brandwatch, Crunch, Change, Grow, Live, Canon, Lisa Pantelli Consulting and Leaders

How will the guidelines help?

They are far more than simple FAQs. They will answer the questions you may have around implementing a sound flexible working policy, but will also give you a step-by-step guide to lining up all the elements in your organisation to make it work, both culturally and financially.

We’ve put our considerable experience and expertise into a creating a way for you to raise your company profile and become a forward-thinking employer, ready to meet the demands of a changing workforce.

What does best practice cover?

Get involved

Fourteen future-minded Sussex business have collaborated so far in our round table discussions to create a 10 point plan that can work for everyone.

Will you be one of them?

Train your teams

In the meantime, why not book your managers onto training with us? They’ll come away with the ability to recruit and retain the right employees and become ambassadors for flexible working in your organisation.

If you’d like your own copy of Flex Matters’ Best Practice Guidelines, contact Emma on 07810 541599 or email her at [email protected]

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