Flex Matters asked Lucy Freeborn for her five-step process on how to reboot, refocus and retrain our brains for 2021

Every start to a new year signifies a new beginning and it’s often the perfect time to reframe and re-focus on our work and life goals. This year, however, it may feel a little more challenging. Don’t worry, we’re here to help…
As part of Flex Matters ongoing work-ready training webinars, Lucy Freeborn, Business Coach and Mentor at North Star Consulting, guide us through a simple five-step process on how to reboot, refocus and retrain our brain. Follow Lucy’s simple steps on how to tackle 2021 with the right mindset below
STEP 1:What is valuable to you now? (your values will have changed since 2020!)
Take a step back and think about what really matters to you now. Re-establish what your values and passions are and re-connect with them. Your values are your internal compass for your true path in life and allow you to measure your own success. We need to remind ourselves that feeling successful and being successful are completely different things and staying in a profession that doesn’t sit well with our values will always lead to discomfort.
STEP 2: Setting realistic goals and a vision for 2021.
Goals are our ‘mental to do list’, without which we are rudderless. Having them means we are motivated and future-focused and achieving them provides us with a sense of professional purpose. The key, however, is to set realistic goals based on authenticity and achievability. You don’t have to dream big, often smaller goals are better as when you tick them off you feel fantastic.
STEP 3. Use a process to create your 2021 plan.
Once you’ve identified your goals, work through a process to create your realistic and achievable plan. The process ‘T-GRO’ is sure to focus the mind. It stands for:
T- Topic: Think big and wide about the general area that makes you feel happy.
G: Goal: Chunk it down into smaller more realistic goals that you’re able to achieve
R: Reality: Think about any blockers that may stand in the way of your goals.
O: Options: Identify the solutions to getting round your blockers, which could be putting smaller goals in place to reach the bigger ones.
STEP 4. How to stay focused and motivated on your 2021 plan.
Staying focused on your plan will rely on you neutralising the blockers that will inevitably come your way. One of the key blockers to achieving our goals is the self-limiting beliefs we have about ourselves, created from past negative experiences. Understanding and being honest with ourselves about what they are and how they have held us back in the past gives us the opportunity to flip them.
STEP 5: Pay attention to the positives and listen to your mind and body.
We often fail to recognise our own progress, leading to dissatisfaction and disengagement from our overall plan. It’s important therefore to celebrate your progress and every little success along the way. Positive rewards build motivation, so make sure you celebrate achievements with your favourite treats and be proud!
Lastly, as you are moving towards your goals, pay attention to your body as well as your mind. One thing 2020 has taught us is how important it is to understand the physical effects that mental strain has on our bodies. Brain retraining is hard work so it’s important to be kind to yourself and build stress relief, exercise and relaxation into your plans.
If you enjoyed Lucy’s tips, don’t miss out on the rest of our 2021 series of FREE webinars. Featuring Business Experts with a huge range of specialities addressing how best to be work smart and work ready, they are sure to help with your next move.
For more info: Flex Matters, or get in touch with [email protected]. 0781 0541 599.
#flexibleworking #workready #worksmart #newyearnewyou #lucyfreeborn